Monday, April 21, 2014

Bone Crusher – Boring Stuff (Vet and Food)

This is boring stuff…so unless you are moving your dog to Australia stop reading now.  I will do my best to update the blog on stuff I have already done, but for now I will write about what I am still doing, moving wise. 

Today I spent about 2 hours working on a few of the details for Bone Crusher’s 5 week stay in Tucson, AZ with my Mom and coordinating food, vet visits etc. during that time. Chris and I will be on a 5 week road trip visiting friends, family and sites after we leave Chicago. While I would love to travel with BC, it would add an additional layer of craziness that we really don’t want. Plus the thought of being in a car for 5,000+ miles with a dog is not really at the top of my list. I love the little dude, but we would not be happy and I don’t think he would be either. The other reason and maybe more important is he has to have tests and shots administered during this time (21 days out from export) to allow him to get to Australia and I don’t want to manage that from the road. I could see the tears (from me obviously) if our car broke down and I couldn't get BC to the pre-determined vet location on the correct date. 

So here is what I did and some random thoughts as I was doing it. 
Finding a vet in Tucson, AZ that I trust to administer his last tests/shots before getting to LA and then flying to Sydney. I called 3 vets, and on my third call I thought to myself, what the hell am I doing….I mean really, I’m interviewing vets over the phone about scanning a microchip and giving a shot, get a grip.  So I just went with my Mom’s vet.

Letting go is a big lesson in this process, you have to trust that it is going to work out and frankly a lot of it is out of your control. Yes, I am a crazy dog lady, I have embraced it.  

Locating a store in Tucson where my mom can get his brand of food for 5 week stay. This was surprisingly easy, the horse feed store down the street can order cases of his food. I set a reminder for myself to order this when it gets closer since its takes up space in the freezer.

Shipped treats, toys and freeze dried food to my mom’s house from my favorite website, The freeze dried food is for after we leave AZ and head to LA and we will ship individual servings to the quarantine facility in Australia the week before we depart since he has allergies.   

It’s surprising how long this little stuff takes….I’m trying to do as much as I can now because I know as it gets closer I will be feeling the time crunch!  

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