Saturday, April 12, 2014

The First Post

This post has been looming on my to do list for quite some time now. I’ll start by telling a brief story of who I am and why I am writing this blog. I’ve shared so many different details with different people about our pending adventure, that I will pretend you don’t know anything, here goes!

Our brief story…my name is Megan and I currently live in Evanston, Il. My husband, Chris, is finishing up his MBA. We are long time Chicago city dwellers, but the suburbs called our name in the Fall of 2012 when Chris was accepted to Kellogg. It’s been a jam-packed, crazy two years that will end June 20th with graduation. At that time we will embark on about a month long Great American Road Trip with a visit to Mexico City in the middle visiting friends, family and landmarks along the way. The road trip will end in LA where we will fly to our new home SYDNEY, not Sidney, Ohio, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA! Yep, we are moving across the globe, you heard that right! Our second to last stop will be in my hometown of Tucson, AZ where we will pick up Bone Crusher, our three year old Boston Terrier to make the trek with us to Australia. 

Now for the why am I writing this blog…there are many reasons, I’ll try to keep it short. I said try J

Reason #1 – to keep in touch with those we love! Obvious reason and a little cliché, but it’s true. I’m not much of a phone talker anyway, so I am hoping this gives me and loved ones a fun outlet to share what we are up to and have a glimpse to life down under. Everyone is excited for us and very eager to take part in our journey. So now they can!

Reason #2 – I have done a lot, I mean A LOT, of research on what it will be like to live in Australia as an American and moving to Australia. A lot of the “real-life” blogs I came across gave great glimpses into the adventure once you are there, but not the process of moving and changing your whole life. That is why I am starting now, to maybe, just maybe help someone in my situation down the road. 

Mind you my research has not always been productive, I’ve gone down a few rabbit holes that I would not like to re-hash, but they give others a good laugh so I will post about some of them. The most ridiculous rant to date has about tampons. Sorry gentleman, but yes, I had a minor meltdown about tampons, apparently they are different. More to come on that later, maybe…it’s slightly embarrassing, but I think the little things are actually the scary part of uprooting and moving to the unknown. Maybe that’s just me. 

Reason #3 – So that I can remember and reflect on how great this adventure is. Chris is much less excited about this blog than I am, but I think he will come along.

Also, public disclaimer that grammar is not my strongest suit. I also use lots of explanation points, smiley faces and ellipsis. So if you can’t handle these things, you should just stop reading now J

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