Thursday, October 30, 2014

Rugby 7s in the Gold Coast

On our road trip through the States (well before we got to Australia) we got an email from Oscar about a Rugby 7s getaway with some of his mates (yep I said it). He basically said, you're going, its going to be awesome. He didn't need to twist our arms, we were all in. The weekend did not disappoint! Our trip to the Hong Kong 7s in March is being discussed - if you are interested, let me know!

I didn't know much about rugby before this weekend (and I'm not gonna lie, I still don't know that much, but I can hold my own now). Seven's is a different variety of the traditional rugby I had seen, it much more fast paced that typical 15s. There are two 7 minute halves with 7 players on the field for each team. This was a tournament, so there were games from about 9am to 8pm Saturday and Sunday.

The other awesome thing about the weekend is that everyone dresses up. Australian's love a good costume, we should do more of this in the states! Probably 90% of attendees are dressed up. I tried to snap a few photos of great costumes, but I had just gotten the iPhone 6 and was terrified of drunkly shattering it.

Here are our costumes in all their glory - grass skirts, umbrella hats and AUSTRALIA love, oh and Matt's monkey. My sorority days came in handy with the painting of these letters.

Put some bottoms on Jules! 

We had a great time also spelling other words.

Our boys did not disappoint! 

And as the day went on there was a little of this... The other favourite was two A's (AA) walking around together with massive amount of drinks in hand.

These boys had a strong neon Sunday showing.  My other best dressed were entire family of about 15 that dressed up in different Alice in Wonderland charters. Then there were a group of Umpa Lumpa's with Willy Wonka.

Sunday Funday with these bros all in neon - there were about 25 of them 

This poor dude was at his bachelor party...and his lovely friends dressed him.

Not a great photo, but you can see how everyone is dressed up - crayons and pirates

Enough of costumes, back to the rugby. Here is America warming up. It was really cool to be able to get up close and personal to the teams for warm-ups!

I had, I man have, a serious crush on this dude.

Here are the Kenyan's - These dudes are HUGE! They had a massive support section in tow, but didn't prevail.

I don't know what this is called, when they lift someone up to catch the incoming ball, but I thought it was funny. Here are the South African making it look easy!

And then America won! Well, they won their pool, which I think was the third teir group, but they still won. So clearly I decided to take some selfies with them. I'm officially the worst selfie taker....there is no reason the person taking a selfie should not be in the photo or smiling....I have some work to do

These Aussies were obsessed with Carlin Isles (left) - the fastest man in 7s 

Carlin Isles is an native of Ohio. He is a fast dude and people love to watch him and heckle him if he is not running fast enough.

Thanks to Matt (bottom right) for not making me feel so creepy hanging out to see my rugby BF.

Other things I noticed at my first rugby tournament - the kiss cam or fan cam is awesome in Australia - anything goes - I mean anything. People would be kicked out of the venue in the states for way less. I tried to record some of it, but no luck.

Oh yeah, in between games we got some beach time too.

The gold coast beach goes on forever - its beautiful! 

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